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Folyóirat Borító
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Abbrev. EURASIA J. Math., Sci Tech. Ed. or EJMSTE) is an English Open Access peer-reviewed Journal publishing articles on all aspects of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education with ISSN: 1305-8223 (online) 1305-8215 (print). The journal is published 12 times in a year.

European Educational Research Journal

The European Educational Research Journal (EERJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal interested in the changing landscape of education research across Europe. The EERJ publishes education research papers and special issues which include a reflection on how the European context and other related global or regional dynamics shape their educational research topics.

European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults

The European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA) is a refereed academic journal creating a forum for the publication of critical research on adult education and learning. It has a particular focus on issues at stake for adult education and learning in Europe, as these emerge in connection with wider international and transnational dynamics and trends. Such a forum is important at a time when local and regional explorations of issues are often difficult to foreground across language barriers. As academic and policy debate is increasingly carried out in the English language, this masks the richness of research knowledge, responses and trends from diverse traditions and foci.

European Journal of Education

The European Journal of Education is an international, peer reviewed journal that presents high quality, recent research and policy analysis with a primary focus on Europe, placed in an international perspective. The Journal publishes the results of European research projects and explores key topics of concern to policy makers and international organisations in Europe and further afield. The Editorial Board brings together academics and policy analysts from different European countries and major international organisations. There is also a network of distinguished Editorial Correspondents who advise the Joint Editors and the Board. The European Journal of Education is now indexed by Thomson ISI and has received an impact factor since 2010.

Exceptional Children

Insightful and pioneering research, topical issues, and broad perspectives by leaders in the field for more than 75 years have made Exceptional Children (EC) the most respected scholarly journal in special education. This peer-review journal publishes research, research reviews, methodological reviews of literature, data-based position papers, and policy analyses on the education and development of children and youth with exceptionalities. EC is published quarterly.

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