Folyóirat | Borító |
Teaching/Writing: the Journal of Writing Teacher Education
Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education is a peer reviewed journal focusing on issues of writing teacher education – the development, education, and mentoring of prospective, new, and experienced teachers of writing at all levels. The journal draws from composition studies – writing program administrators, writing across-the-curriculum specialists, and other teaching mentors; English education – including voices from secondary and elementary teacher educators at both the graduate and undergraduate levels; and from teacher educators from K-12 settings -- including leaders and mentors in the National Writing Project and those in high school, middle school, and elementary school English leadership positions. |
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Technology Innovations in Statistics Education
Technology Innovations in Statistics Education (TISE) was founded in 2007 to address the growing need for peer-reviewed discussions concerning the interactions between technology and statistics education. Since then, there has been a growing realization across many sectors concerning the urgent need to prepare students at all levels to think about and reason with data. And there is a growing recognition that to work with data requires developing a synthesis of statistical and computational thinking in order to access and wrangle data. We now see data science courses in a growing number of high schools, and consortiums and conferences on developing data literacy and data acumen. The mission of TISE is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss ways in which technology can enhance data acumen, and ways in which students can be taught to use and develop technology to better reason with data. |
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THE Journal
THE Journal is dedicated to informing and educating K-12 senior-level district and school administrators, technologists, and tech-savvy educators within districts, schools, and classrooms to improve and advance the learning process through the use of technology. Launched in 1972, THE Journal was the first magazine to cover education technology. |
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The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Anyone in the profession may submit unsolicited manuscripts for publication consideration in TOJET. TOJET is an international, nonprofit, professional association for managers and users of information resources on college and university campuses. The content of TOJET relates to educational technology. TOJET is an open access online international electronic journal, published four times a year (January, April, July, and October). Articles may be contributed at any time for publication consideration. Potential articles are reviewed by members of an editorial review committee, and those published in TOJET are referenced in such indexing services as SCOPUS, ERIC, EBSCO ONLINE, and EBSCO CD ROM Database, DOAJ and AERA SEG. The reviewing process usually takes from three to eight weeks; author revision and the editorial/production cycle may take up to four months. Ideally, papers should be submitted to Aytekin ISMAN (isman@sakarya.edu.tr) electronically as a word-processed file. TOJET provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. |
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Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal
Transformative Dialogues (TD) is a forum for conversations intended to foster the improvement of teaching and learning in post-secondary education. TD facilitates the multi-disciplinary intellectual debate and inquiry, exchange of ideas, actions, and results of innovative and professional practice in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. These conversations are intended to span a wide range of reflections on the processes of teaching and learning ranging from the scholarly to scholarship. The international dialogues are focused on improving faculty and, therefore, student learning, and critical thought processes in their current and future lifelong learning. The editorial board recognizes that scholarship may play out differently in different disciplines, but, as Ernest Boyer pointed out in Scholarship Reconsidered (1992), the basic principles should be consistent. |
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