Folyóirat | Borító |
Cahier de la recherche sur l éducation
Les Cahiers de la recherche sur l'éducation et les savoirs s’opposent à la réforme des retraites et à la loi pluriannuelle de programmation de la recherche (LPPR). Ils s’associent au mouvement social en cours dans les universités, laboratoires et revues en lutte contre la destruction du service public de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. |
Campus technology
Campus Technology is one of higher education's top information sources — delivering valuable information via a daily site, newsletters, webinars, podcast and virtual summits. It's the go-to resource for campus professionals — providing in-depth coverage on the technologies and implementations influencing colleges and universities across the nation. You'll discover valuable hands-on articles, best practices, industry trends, expert advice and insightful articles to help administrators, campus executives, technologists and educators plan, develop and successfully launch effective IT initiatives. |
Canadian Journal of Education
The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) is a national peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the membership of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. The CJE prioritizes research and scholarly writing that is of relevance to the Canadian education community. The journal is read by scholars worldwide, and aims to represent the valuable contributions that Canadian scholars in education continue to make to the field. The Journal accepts and publishes both French and English articles and book reviews. CJE on occasion also publishes international papers that shed light on shared issues and that include Canadian authors as references. |
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
The Canadian Journal of Education (CJE) is a national peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the membership of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education. The CJE prioritizes research and scholarly writing that is of relevance to the Canadian education community. The journal is read by scholars worldwide, and aims to represent the valuable contributions that Canadian scholars in education continue to make to the field. The Journal accepts and publishes both French and English articles and book reviews. CJE on occasion also publishes international papers that shed light on shared issues and that include Canadian authors as references. |
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education
The Canadian Journal of Environmental Education is a refereed journal published once a year. It seeks to further the study and practice of environmental education by providing a thoughtful forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and post-secondary students. The publication and distribution of articles and reviews should contribute to Canadian thought and practice in environmental education and/or issues and practices of international importance to this field of study. The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily those of the journal’s editors, advisory editors, or supporters. The Canadian Journal of Environmental Education publishes material that may represent divergent ideas, judgments, and opinions. |