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Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education
The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE) is a peer-reviewed quarterly e-journal. International in scope, this scholarly e-journal publishes refereed articles focusing on the issues and challenges of providing theory, research and information services to global learners in any kind of distance education or open learning applications. TOJDE will particularly strive to meet the continuing education needs of practitioners and educators by providing a forum for the discussion of extended learning strategies, policies and practices, and trends in information technology as they impact the delivery of student support services for distance learners and faculties. Articles may be theoretical, philosophical and/or quantitative analyses of distance education/open learning and teaching issues, and may take the form of case studies, research studies or general interest reports. Sample topics include the role or history of distance education, standards for such services, organization or planning of new services, for distance learners, etc. |
University Business: The Magazine for College and University Adminsitrators
University Business is the leading provider of smart management solutions for higher education administrators at two- and four-year colleges and universities throughout the United States, and is the most-closely followed and most-regularly read information source in the industry, bringing top-quality journalism to the unique issues, challenges and opportunities faced by higher-education executives. |
Unterrichtswissenschaft – Zeitschrift für Lernforschung ("Journal for Teaching and Learning") publishes research on learning and instruction in pre-school, school, higher education, occupational settings and various informal learning environments. The journal presents theoretical approaches and empirical research findings to facilitate the advancement of further research and evidence-based practice in education. Unterrichtswissenschaft is therefore indispensable for researchers and students in the fields of transfer research, teaching quality and didactics. Unterrichtswissenschaft publishes original empirical studies, reviews, and theoretical articles in German and English. All articles are subject to double-blind peer review in order to meet the highest quality standards. Every issue contains a topical focus as well as unsolicited submissions, which are complemented by hot topic contributions. |
The journal 'Verhaltenstherapie' is dedicated to advancing behavioral therapy as a science and as a means of promoting health. Publishing original research and reviews, 'Verhaltenstherapie' addresses key subjects in terms of behavioral and cognitive therapy. Subjects include anxiety, affective disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive as well as personality and other psychological disorders. Characterized by its strong clinical orientation, 'Verhaltenstherapie' comprises a unique and vital reference to current research. It provides a forum within Europe for the study and discussion of matters relevant to behavioral therapy. This way it promotes research in behavioral therapy and the improvement of research methods. Target group of 'Verhaltenstherapie' are clinical psychologists and psychotherapists. |
Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht
Die Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht ist ein wissenschaftliches Organ. Ihr Zweck ist die weitestmögliche Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf die ganze Breite des interkulturellen Zweit- und Fremdsprachenunterrichts. Ihr Ziel ist es, durch ein reichhaltiges und hochwertiges Angebot die wissenschaftliche Diskussion zu fördern und zu intensivieren. Die ZiF erscheint verlagsunabhängig, akzeptiert keine Werbung und ist trotzdem allen Interessierten kostenfrei zugänglich. Alle redaktionelle und technische Arbeit wird ehrenamtlich vom Herausgeberteam der Redaktion und einem kleinen Team von MitarbeiterInnen durchgeführt. Alle finanziellen Aufwendungen für die technische Umsetzung der Zeitschrift tragen das Fachgebiet Sprachwissenschaft – Mehrsprachigkeit und die Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt. |