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Folyóirat Borító
Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education

APJEE is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to stimulate research and discussion on educational issues and problems across all levels of education with the ultimate purpose of improving practices that lead to effective and sustainable education in the Asia Pacific region.

Astronomy Education Review

Astronomy Education Review (AER) is a web-based journal for everyone who works in astronomy and space science education. Published by the American Astronomical Society, the journal welcomes research papers, short articles on innovative work, and comparative reviews of resources related to education and outreach. All papers and articles are refereed. (Megszűnt, archívum elérhető 2001-2013)

Athletic Training Education Journal

The Athletic Training Education Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed journal.

Australian Educational Computing

Australian Educational Computing is the refereed journal of the Australian Council for Computers in Education and is published twice a year. ACCE offers this journal free to educators with the hope that articles will inspire and motivate teachers to use ICT in their classrooms.

Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology

The journal aims to attract publication from a diversity of theoretical and methodological perspectives, encompassing research and scholarship relevant to understanding the learning processes across all age groups and across all educational settings. The Editors may on occasion invite papers for a special thematic issue.

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