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Folyóirat Borító
Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa

Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa is a juried academic publication that is produced each quarter. The journal publishes research articles and contributions to the discussion of educational problems. Priority is given to topics involving Mexico and Latin America, although articles that address experiences in other nations are accepted if they are illustrative and contribute to current debate on educational issues. The publication is a plural forum that spreads information regarding a wide array of topics, disciplines, theoretical perspectives, focuses and methodologies cultivated in the field of educational research.

Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica : Journal of Theories and Research in Education

Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education is an open access international scientific journal dedicated to study and research on education. It was first published in 2006 and it is online only since 2014. It uses a double-blind peer review process and publishes articles in Italian and English. The Journal takes an interdisciplinary and pluri-methodological approach. It offers a place of dialogue for researchers and professionals coming from diverse theoretical and empirical backgrounds, involved in the study of educational phenomena. It is an intellectual forum of excellence for the circulation of scientific knowledge regarding education. It welcomes critical papers, research reports, historical and literary research inspired by diverse theoretical frameworks and empirical approaches. It is committed to facilitating international dialogue between researchers and professionals in education and ensuring that scientific knowledge can make a contribution to educational policies and everyday educational practices.

Romanian Review of Geographical Education

Romanian Review of Geographical Education is the journal of the Department of Regional Geography and Territorial Planning of “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA. It has two issues per year. Romanian Review of Geographical Education is an open access and free of charge publication that provides access to all the papers published in all issues, in order to support a greater global exchange of geographical education knowledge to all specialists in the field.

Rwandan Journal of Education

The Rwandan Journal of Education (RJE) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed, and annual journal dedicated to education. Its primary goal is to publish and advance knowledge and research in the field of education. The Journal is based at the University of Rwanda – College of Education and it publishes articles that critically explore research and theoretical issues, as well as innovations that inform education policy, planning and practice.

Social and Education History

The journal Social and Education History, aims to closely connect these two fields of study, by publishing relevant articles focused on both the analysis of societies and, the socialization processes and cultural and educational transmission. It focuses on the study of social change and transformation periods. It includes the analysis of social and pedagogical thought, as well as the teaching of history. It is open to all historical periods. The journal comprises the analysis of all learning, cultural transmission and socialization processes, together with social analysis. It brings together education and society, and enhances the role of education in the learning processes and development of societies. Furthermore, it includes the study of social and pedagogical thought and the teaching of history, and as there is no limitation of time period, this journal achieves an integrating dimension regarding the study of history that a vast majority of publications do not have.

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