Folyóirat | Borító |
Resonance: Journal of Science Education
Resonance – Journal of Science Education started in the year 1996 was the culmination of intensive efforts by the Academy through a panel which studied the state of science education in the country. The journal’s objective therefore is targeted primarily at science education for undergraduate students and teachers and focuses on enriching the processes of teaching and learning science thereby stimulating science education in the country. |
Revista da Faculdade de Educação
The Revista da Faculdade de Educação is a biannual journal published by the Faculdade de Educação at the Universidade de São Paulo — FEUSP (School of Education at the University of São Paulo, founded in 1969). The journal publishes original articles and research reports in education and related areas, as well as book reviews, special documents, and translations made by teachers and researchers from the University, and also from other institutions. |
Revista de Educación
REVISTA DE EDUCACIÓN is a scientific journal published by the Spanish Ministry of Education. Founded in 1940, and since 1952 called Revista de Educación, it has been a privileged witness of the development of education in the last decades, and an acknowledged means for the dissemination of education research and innovation, both from a national and international perspectives. It is currently assigned to the Instituto de Evaluación of the Dirección General de Evaluación y Cooperación Territorial and it is published by the Subdirección General de Documentación y Publicaciones of the Ministerio de Educación. |
Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa
The Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa (REDIE) (ISSN 1607-4041) is published on a rolling basis and disseminates research by academics and professionals with an interest in educational practices from different fields of knowledge and a wide range of theoretical and methodological perspectives. By its nature, the journal is international in scope and publishes contributions in Spanish and English, subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review. In addition to original articles, readers will find reviews of recent publications on education and interviews with acclaimed academics. REDIE’s overarching objective is to communicate relevant, up-to-date information in the field of education. |
Revista História da Educação
A revista História da Educação é uma publicação da Associação Sul-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisadores em História da Educação (Asphe) desde 1997. Tem como finalidade disseminar conhecimentos relacionados à área de História e Historiografia da Educação. Recebe apoio financeiro do CNPq/Capes e apoio institucional de diferentes Universidades do Rio Grande do Sul. |