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Folyóirat Borító
Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation

Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal providing access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, and evaluation. Manuscripts published in PARE are scholarly syntheses of research and ideas about methodological issues and practices. PARE is intended to help members of the community keep up-to-date with effective methods, trends, and research developments from a variety of settings. PARE is committed to highlighting research that focuses on equity in assessment and measurement. To that end, we encourage the submission of manuscripts that address issues of equity and fairness – particularly articles that focuses on the assessment experiences and outcomes for historically marginalized populations.

Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

PESTLHE offers an opportunity for those involved in University learning and teaching to disseminate their practice. It aims to publish accounts of scholarly practice that report on small-scale practitioner research and case studies of practice that involve reflection, critique, implications for future practice and are informed by relevant literature, with a focus on enhancement of student learning. This publication thus offers a forum to develop and share scholarly informed practice in Higher Education through either works in progress or more detailed accounts of scholarly practice. The journal will be published twice a year (April and November).


Prospects, UNESCOs Quarterly Review of Comparative Education, has served as a platform for the exchange of ideas on current and controversial comparative and international educational themes for over thirty years. Founded in 1970, the journal is a landmark among many other peer-reviewed journals of comparative education. Unlike other journals in the field, which deal only with theoretical or research-related aspects of comparative education, PROSPECTS also focuses on policy implementation and aims at improving the extent and effectiveness of communication between theorists and researchers, on one side, and policy makers and practitioners, on the other. The journal adopts a strong international approach and promotes an open and fruitful dialogue among educators, researchers, policy makers, curriculum developers and other stakeholders from the field.

Qualitative Research in Education

Qualitative Research in Education is an online journal fourth-monthly published by Hipatia which shows the results of qualitative researches aimed to promote significantly the understanding and improvement of the educational processes. Qualitative Research in Education gathers the outcomes from the educational researches carried out in different fields, disciplines and qualitative methodological approaches. These investigations have as a final purpose to improve the educational processes or contexts. Consequently, the journal will publish disciplinary and multi-disciplinary pieces of work linked to education and more precisely to Pedagogy, Sociology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Linguistics, Geography, Mathematics, Physical Education, Music or Political Science.

Research in Higher Education Journal

The Research in Higher Education Journal (RHEJ) publishes original, unpublished K-12 and higher education manuscripts. Appropriate topics for consideration include retention, assessment, accreditation, financial management in K-12 and higher education, new program development, teacher education, curriculum, recruitment and case studies in education.

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