Folyóirat | Borító |
Medien und Erziehung
MERZ beschäftigt sich mit Forschung und Praxis der Medienpädagogik. Aktuelle Entwicklungen des Medienmarkts und der Medienpolitik werden herausgegriffen und kommentiert. In jeder Ausgabe werden mehrere Einzel- und ein umfangreiches Titelthema behandelt, es werden Fachpublikationen sowie bestimmte Medieninhalte rezensiert. Außerdem informiert merz über aktuelle Termine, Veranstaltungen und Ereignisse. |
Modelling in Science Education and Learning
Modelling in Science Education and Learning es una revista científica de acceso abierto dedicada al uso de modelos en ciencias de la educación con una especial atención a los modelos de carácter matemático. La revista publica artículos en inglés y español una vez al año. Los artículos enviados deben centrarse en la utilización de los modelos de aprendizaje de las ciencias. Los resultados contenidos en los manuscritos no deben haber sido publicados con anterioridad en ninguna revista científica arbitrada. Se permite, sin embargo, que los trabajos hayan sido presentados en reuniones de carácter científico o documentos similares. Las opiniones expresadas en los artículos publicados en MSEL representan la opinión del autor (o autores) y no reflejan necesariamente la política oficial de los Editores. |
Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
The aim of the journal is to promote an integrated multidisciplinary approach to human development, upbringing and instruction, which is broadly conceived to include the education of children and young adults, as well as lifelong learning. The underlying objective is to facilitate epistemic reflection on education and a dialogue between various educational systems. A strong focus is given to the study of education in various pedagogical, philosophical, psychological and sociological contexts, as well as to the study of education and culture, including visual and literary culture – past and present. Various approaches and methods of teaching are promoted, including the use of literature and narrative practices to foster character development. |
NEA Today
The Association's flagship publication with a circulation of 2.7 million, explores today's toughest teaching challenges—and solutions. It's an important resource that NEA members look forward to receiving six times a year--September to May. |
Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education
Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education (NORIL) is a peer reviewed open access journal. Information literacy is a multidisciplinary field as it is the subject of both academic research, as well as of library pedagogical practice. The development of knowledge in the field is nourished by perspectives from different academic disciplines, such as pedagogy, sociology, media studies, library and information science and psychology. |