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Folyóirat Borító
Education Next

Education Next aims to provide news and research to bring evidence to bear on current education policy.

Éducation Relative à l Environnement

La revue Éducation relative à l environnement : Regards - Recherches – Réflexions a pour mission la diffusion, l échange et la discussion des activités et des productions de recherche dans ce domaine en vue de contribuer à enrichir l action éducative.

Education Review

Publishes reviews of recent books on education scholarship and practice.

Education Sciences and Society

Education Sciences & Society (ESS) is an international scholarly open access, peer reviewed biannual journal. The journal aims at highlighting and discussing the main issues arising in the pedagogical and didactical fileds. The journal objective is also to provide the educational scientific community with the state-of-the-art and tools to interpret the ongoing debate. The issues of Education Sciences and Society offer their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of General Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education, Social Pedagogy, Learning and Teaching, Technology of Education, Special Education and Education Research and related disciplines. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in education science. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications. In order to provide a timely and broad coverage of this ever-evolving field, ESS offers its readers a mix of regular and special issues. Papers can be submitted for the regular issues of the journal, or in response to calls for papers for special issues.

Education Update

Education Update was the official member newsletter of ASCD from 1993 to 2020. The newsletter focused on trends in K–12 education, instructional and leadership practices, research around learning and teaching, and association news and events. Access to the complete archives with more than three decades of articles, resources, and downloadable print PDFs will continue to be available to members.

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