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Folyóirat Borító
Digital Education Review

Digital Education Review (DER) is a scientific, open and peer review journal designed as a space for dialogue and reflection about the impact of ICT on education and new emergent forms of teaching and learning in digital environments. It is published half-yearly (June & December) and it includes articles in English or Spanish. ICT plays an important role in education, raising discussions and important new challenges. Analyze the impact of ICT, new forms of literacy and virtual teaching and learning are the main goals of Digital Education Review. The publication is open to all those investigators who wish to propose articles on this subject. Articles admitted include empirical investigations as well as reviews and theoretical reflections.

Educação & Sociedade

Educação & Sociedade is one of the most important journals published today in the field of education in Brazil. Since 1978 it has been published three times a year, now reaching more than 56 issues. Furthermore, a special thematic issue has been organized yearly since 1995, making the journal a quarterly publication. Designed to be an incentive to academic research and an instrument of broad debate on education in its several aspects, the journal has accumulated a large amount of analyses, information, discussions, theoretical sources, reports of pedagogical experiences, and others, which are of great interest for scientists and educators working on human sciences and other fields of knowledge.

Educational Insights

On-line journal of the Centre of Cross Faculty Inquiry in Education (University of British Columbia).

Educational Leadership

ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is a membership organization that develops programs, products, and services essential to the way educators learn, teach, and lead.

Educational Policy Analysis Archives

A peer-reviewed, independent, open-access, multilingual journal. EPAA/AAPE focuses on the intersection of education and policy issues broadly speaking. EPAA/AAPE is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international, multilingual, and multidisciplinary journal designed for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and development analysts concerned with education policies. EPAA/AAPE accepts unpublished original manuscripts in English, Spanish and Portuguese without restriction as to conceptual and methodological perspectives, time or place. We will not consider manuscripts submitted for publication elsewhere.

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